Easter: It’s Too Big
John 20:1-18
by Robert J. Bryan

Red Smith, famous sportswriter, related the following incident about novelist and film writer, Laurence Stallings. Though not a sportswriter, Stallings took an assignment to cover a football game between the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Illinois.

The year was 1925. Halfback Red Grange was dazzling. On a muddy field, where everyone else was slipping and falling, Grange broke loose for three touchdowns and set up another. Experienced sportswriters in the press box furiously pounded away at their typewriters. Not Stallings. In a tizzy, he paced up and down the press box, hands clasped to his head. "I can't," he wailed. "I can't write it! It's too big."

That's the way many of us preachers feel on Easter Day. How can we preach about it? It's too big! Even the most gifted of preachers cannot do justice to this central earth-shattering event that has changed the course of all history. It's too big.  I can't say everything that needs to be said. We'd be here all day — all week. Don't worry. I'm not going to do that. What I am going to do is share with you, in a reasonable amount of time, what I call 'the ABC's' of the resurrection.

The ABC’s of the Resurrection, by Robert J. Bryan