Dreaming to a New Future
Matthew 4:12-22
by Keith Wagner

In 1904 a man from Milwaukee took a neighbor girl, Bessie Cary to a picnic on an island in Lake Michigan. After awhile Bessie got a craving for a cool, refreshing dish of ice cream. Ole (that was his name) rowed 2 ½ miles back to the mainland to get some. Unfortunately, the summer heat melted the ice cream into a globby mess by the time Ole made his return trip.

The embarrassing incident prompted the young mechanic to look for a more efficient means of propelling a small boat. Five years later, Ole Evinrude, patented his revolutionary outboard motor and formed the Evinrude Motor Company. Before long the company was swamped with orders for the little one-cylinder engine. Although most of the success can be credited to Ole, Bessie Cary, soon there after, Bessie Evinrude, was responsible for the management of the business.

Perhaps the Church has become a lower priority in society because it has ceased to dream. By leaving the past and venturing into the future the Church can still make a difference.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Go Fish! , by Keith Wagner