Doubt: The Prelude to Faith
John 20:19-23
by William L. Self

Several years ago I spoke on a university campus, and when I finished speaking, a young man accosted me in the hall. He said, "I don't like what you had to say in there." I asked him to tell me which part he didn't like.

"He replied, "Actually, I didn't hear you. I just don't like preachers." I agreed that I have some trouble with preachers too.

I said, "Well, what are you?"
And he said, "I'm a seeker."

I said, "That's interesting. Where do you meet?"
He said, "We don't meet."

I said, "What are you seeking?"
He said, "We're seeking truth."

I said, "Well, what have you read?"
He said, "I haven't read anything in particular."

We went on with the conversation for a short while. Finally, I looked at him and said, "I don't think you are a seeker. I think you are a runner. I think you are hiding. For you see, not to decide is to decide. You have decided that you want to hide in unbelief."

The disbelief and the doubting for Thomas was not something that was rooted in fact. It was something that was inside of Thomas.

Doubt is like a front porch. All of us go through it before we get into the house of faith.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Prelude to Faith, by William L. Self