Don't Put a Limit on Yourself
by Maxie Dunnam

Years ago a Bishop Wright was speaking in the Midwest.  He said that everything that could be invented had already been invented and claimed that we were then living in the epitome of civilization.

Later, the president of the college where he was speaking suggested that perhaps some new things would be discovered.

“Name me one thing,” the bishop replied.

The president said, “I believe some day people will build a machine that will fly in the air.”  Bishop Wright was flabbergasted.  “That’s the most stupid idea I ever heard.  If God wanted men to fly he would have given him wings.”

Well, it happened that the good Bishop Wright had two sons.  One was named Orville and the other was named Wilbur.

Don’t ever put a limit on yourself, on others, and above all on God.  There is a verse of scripture which says, “God is able and willing to do far more abundantly than we can ask or think.”

Do you know how God does those remarkable things?  Most of the time, through persons like you and me.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam