Don’t Drop the Baton
Jn 6:1-15
by King Duncan

In the 1988 Olympics, the world assumed that the United States would be victorious in the men's 400-meter relay.  They simply were the best. The gun cracked and they were off and running.  After the last curve the unthinkable happened.  The United States was ahead by 10 meters with no real competition in sight.  And then, with victory in their grasp, it happened.  They dropped the baton.  The thousands in the stands gasped in disbelief.  The United States team sleek, muscular, and fast as leopards, lost the race. Why? Someone dropped the baton. 

I would hate for us as a church to be the people who dropped the baton. What is God calling us to be and to do as God's people in this time and this place? It's not a question of resources but a question of faith.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan