Don't Be Too Cheap with the Seed
2 Cor 9:8
by Jack Exum

A farmer was entertaining some visitors to his farm. His spread included some twenty-five hundred acres. They asked him how he planted the seed. He reached in a bin and pulled out an ear of corn. Then he proceeded to pop out the kernels one by one as he walked along, demonstrating the planting process. The farmer then said, "Do you believe that?"

No, sir! was the reply.

Why not? the farmer asked.

"Well for one thing," one of the visitors said, "there's that big machine sitting over there."

"You're right," said the farmer. He then took them to the distributor that was some thirty feet wide. "We take that double tandem truck, fill it with certified seed, back it up to the distributor, open the slots, and pour in the seed." He went on to say, "If you're ever going to be cheap, don't be cheap with the seed."

One bushel of seed invested yields thirty bushels of grain harvested in a good year. Thirty to one—not a bad return, if you are ready to believe and willing to invest.

God says, "Believe Me, trust Me, try My plan, prove My ways, and see the kind of harvest I will give." So Paul guarantees this principle of truth in the Scripture with the promise, "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."

All grace, all ways, all sufficiency, all things! There are four promises in one breath. Knowing it is one thing, believing it is quite another.
ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Jack Exum