Do You Serve the Real King?
Mark 6:14-29
by Bill Hayes

If you play the game of chess, you are familiar with the pieces on the board – from the lowly pawn to the all–important king.

If one of your pawns gets "captured" – it's not that big a deal. But if your king gets captured – the game is over. Pawns have little power – are usually used to set up other pieces or sacrificed to help clear the way for the other, more important pieces – like the rook, knight, bishop, or queen. Kings, however, while their movement is somewhat limited when compared to the other pieces – are the one piece you want to protect at all cost.

That's the way it is in life, also – isn't it?

People will strive to be a king – but nobody wants to be a pawn. The truth, however, is that even kings can end up being pawns (like Herod Antipas did in today's Gospel account) – and we have to be careful that we live our lives following and serving the real King – God – instead of being someone else's pawn.

Do you serve the real King - God - or are you someone else's pawn?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Kings and Pawns , by Bill Hayes