Do You Not Care If We Parish
Mark 4:35-41, Psalm 50:1-23
by Harold H. Lentz

God indeed cares, and sent his Son to keep us from perishing because of our sins. The story is told of an ancient king who dearly loved his son but wanted him to grow in character by facing up to life's hardships. So he sent him out into life to meet whatever troubles might come his way. The young man thought he was alone and grew with each difficulty he met. He did not know that his father's love had caused the king to send out a group of strong and brave knights to look after his son. Through the dark nights when he could hear the howling of wild beasts, the prince had no idea that the knights were near at hand for his protection. In life we may think we are alone. We need to remember that a loving and caring heavenly Father is keeping watch over his own. We are never alone. God cares and he is watching over us.

When trouble arises, where, or to whom, do we turn? If sickness strikes, we turn to a doctor, or perhaps a pharmacist, who will give us the right medicine. When a marriage turns sour, couples are advised to see a marriage counselor. The disciples had a better plan. Caught in a wild storm on the sea which threatened their lives, they turned to Christ. Should we not use this source of help more often? For instance, many physical ills are caused by anxiety and worry, usually about something that will not even occur. Christ could well be the answer to such ills. He promises to ease our burdens. Putting anxiety into Christ's hands and trusting in him could eradicate many of them. And often it is the lack of any spiritual influence in the home that disrupts harmony and causes marital problems in the home and the breakup of the family. Young people who go wrong could have avoided many lures and pitfalls if they had been introduced to Christ. The Psalmist wisely pointed to the need to turn to God, especially in times of trouble. He emphasized God's interest in each one of us when he wrote his message from God: "Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me" (Psalm 50:15).

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz