by John H. Krahn

Joan is a young, single woman about twenty-five years old. While I was a patient in the hospital, I met her under the sign, "Beyond This Point No Patients Allowed." I was exercising my left leg which had been recently operated on. Seeing me, she commented, "You’ve got a bad left side, I’ve got a bad right side, maybe we should get together." At that point the orderly said, "How ya doin’, Reverend," and Joan was embarrassed.

The next day she walked past my room, and I offered her a brochure which explained the ministry at our church. She refused it. "Can’t handle that stuff," she said. I asked her if she was down on the church or on God. "Both," she answered. She said she believed you had to make your own way through life. God was little help in her opinion. Her father had died suddenly; she had a recent illness which left her paralyzed; before she recovered, her fiance left her. Now she was in the hospital with infected ovaries.

I listened intently and said I could understand why she felt as she did. Then I told her how I felt about God. I said that I didn’t see him as the one who sent trouble into our lives. Yet he was ready to help us over the rough spots. "Joan, the Lord loves you." I continued, "He wants to be a positive influence in your life." We talked for some time, and she took the brochure.

The next day as she left the hospital, she stopped by my room, and we talked some more. She promised to come and talk with me again and go to church. As she was leaving she said, "You know, I like you; you didn’t give me any B.S. but really helped me." I said, "I hope God will give you physical and spiritual health. See you soon."

Our Lord is willing to use us wherever we are to bring hope and healing. We need only be willing to let him. Look around you and discover the Joan who needs help. Help her!

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn