Dirty Dignity
Matthew 21:23-32
by Leonard Sweet

Mike Rowe has made a career out of doing disgusting stuff. As the host of the Discovery Channel series "Dirty Jobs," Rowe has mucked-out, dug under, flushed, slogged, and slid through some of the most filthy and foul places on the planet.

But whether he has been hanging from rafters or slipping through sewers, Rowe has consistently shown his viewers how even the most grungy, grimy, gross job still has its own dirty dignity. Rowe always offers respect to those who are "showing him the ropes," whether they are demonstrating how to scrape up penguin poop or harvest worms. The underlying message of "Dirty Jobs" is that no matter how nasty, a job is a job and doing it well gives a sense of well-being and worth to humanity.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Leonard Sweet