Difficulty in Showing Gratitude
Luke 8:36-37
by Leonard Sweet

Just because you don't get rewarded or appreciated doesn't mean you aren't appreciated or won't get rewarded in some fashion. You may never know about it.

I know some people would rather die than show their appreciation or say thanks. There is a Peanuts cartoon strip in which Lucy is crying bitter tears over a decision her mother has made. She wails, "You promised me a birthday party, and now you say I can't have one. It's not fair!"

Enter Lucy's brother, Linus, who calls her aside to offer some advice: "You're not using the right strategy," he says. "Why not go up to Mom and say to her, 'I'm sorry, dear mother . . . I admit I've been bad, and you were right to cancel my party, but from now on I shall try to be good.'"

Lucy thinks about it. She even rehearses the little speech to hear what it sounds like coming from her. Then she thinks about it some more. Finally, in the strip's last panel, she cries out, 'I'd rather die!'"

Again, some people would rather die than be in a beholden situation. But even though they can't show it, they're grateful.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Leonard Sweet