Did Your Mother Ever Say To You?
Mark 1:21-28
by Richard J. Fairchild

Did your mother ever say any of the following to you?

  • I could plant potatoes in those ears.
  • I'm not your maid.
  • If your friends jumped off a cliff does that mean you have to jump too?
  • Just wait till you have kids of your own!
  • Don't talk with food in your mouth!
  • You weren't born in a barn, so stop acting like you were!

And of course I am sure you have heard, if not uttered, the all time classic

  • Because I'm your mother, that's why!

These expressions have been passed from generation to generation. They are expressions of authority - the authority of a parent over a child. Authority however is weaker in some people and stronger in others. We have all heard parents who say things like "I really mean it this time" and know that it means nothing.

Equally, we have heard others say simply and quietly, "Come here, children" and seen an entire herd of kids tumble into a classroom, waiting for what is to be said next. Authority and power is not easy to define but it is easy to recognize when we see it.

Speaking with Authority, by Richard J. Fairchild