
The Public Library has a system called "Dial-A-Tale." Anytime a young child wants to hear a fairy tale, he or she can call a specific number, and a voice will come on reading a short fairy tale to the listening young ear. However, the number is only one digit different from that of the Rev. Tom Erickson. Because small fingers often make mistakes, Rev. Tom gets frequent calls from children expecting a fairy tale.

 After several unsuccessful attempts to explain the concept of a wrong number to a small child, Tom felt he had only one alternative. He obtained a copy of "The Three Little Pigs," and set it by the phone. Whenever a child called, he simply read them the tale. He didn't change his telephone number to avoid "invasion of his privacy." Instead, he put his small neighbors before himself, a beautiful illustration of yielding personal rights in deference to others.

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ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe