Devil's Fall
by Michael P. Green

In his classic work Paradise Lost, John Milton describes the fall of Satan from heaven with his host of rebel angels. He depicts this as a great war lasting three days. The first two days of the cataclysm are waged solely between Satan and his demons and the unfallen angels under the Archangel Michael. On the third day, the Father sends the Son in glorious power to do singlehanded combat with all the demonic host. The following is a brief excerpt from the scene:

“Stand still in bright array, ye Saints; here stand,
Ye angels armed; this day from battle rest.…
Therefore to me their doom he hath assigned,
That they may have their wish, to try with me
In battle which the stronger proves.…”
So spake the Son, and into terror changed
His countenance, too severe to be beheld,
And full of wrath bent on his enemies.…
They, astonished, all resistance lost,
All courage; down their idle weapons dropt.…
And of the wonted vigour left them drained,
Exhausted, spiritless, afflicted, fallen.
Yet half his strength he put not forth.…

Baker Books , 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green