Cruise Ship or Life Boat?
by Simon Bickersteth

Did you know that the design of many wooden church roofs, was similar to that of the hull of a ship. And that the nave, the central part of the church, derives its name from the Latin word for boat.  Using this imagery of the church as a boat, we can have two pictures of what the church looks like.

The first is a cruise ship.  On a cruise ship, the majority of people on board are passengers, who have paid good money to sit back and enjoy the cruise while they are served on hand and foot by the hard working crew. The passengers can relax and watch the scenery slip slowly by, and enjoy all the facilities the cruise ship offers, the entertainment and food, and relax and unwind while others do the work.

The other image of the church is of a life boat.  The purpose of the life boat is not to serve the people already on board the boat, but to save lives.  Every person on board the lifeboat has a job to do. There is no room for idleness on the lifeboat, because it’s on a mission to navigate lives stormy waters, and rescue people.
by Simon Bickersteth