Conquering Our Own Storms
Mark 4:35-41
by Harold H. Lentz

Modern submarines cannot easily be caught without warning of an impending disaster. They have the use of radar, and by means of radio can keep in touch with their headquarters and hear the weather reports. We, too, can tune in to forecasts about the weather and be warned of severe thunderstorms or winter storms of snow and ice. But there are some storms of a different nature, whose advance warnings we must heed. When we wonder if our child is becoming a secret addict to drugs or alcohol, we are told that there are certain signs to look for. These include lowering grades in school, or even skipping school, irritability, aggressiveness to an extreme, threats to run away from home, or to commit suicide. Perhaps when this happens, anxious parents wonder where to turn. This is a time when Christ can come to our rescue in the storms of life. We need to expose our minds and souls to him who promises to bring us life abundant. The closer we stay to him, the greater is the help he can offer us.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz