Confirming Our Relationship
Isaiah 6:8
by Staff

Each day, day after day for a number of weeks, a minister observed a small boy enter the church auditorium, sit quietly before the altar for awhile, and then quietly leave. Always it was about the same time of day, shortly following the dismissal of school, and obviously the lad, carrying his books, was on his way home when he made his daily stop.

One day the minister approached the boy, told him he had observed what he was doing and that he was pleased to see him doing this. Then the minister asked, "What do you do when you come? Do you pray, or what?" After a moment of thought, the boy replied, "Sir, I just say, 'Jesus, this is Jimmie.' "

Just reporting in! Just pausing to identify himself and to be identified. Just confirming a relationship.

Worship has many aspects. But none of these are more essential, more central to its meaning, than this. Whatever else you may do in the experience of this hour, be sure you say, "Lord, it is I." It is not necessary to introduce yourself; he knows you already. Just identify yourself, just let him know it's you. In worship, confirm your relationship with your Lord.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff