by Editor James S. Hewett

Years ago, the Denver Zoo had a difficult decision to make. They were offered the gift of a beautiful, large polar bear, but the problem was that there was no existing room for the bear. At the time of the gift the board of directors was in the middle of a fund-raising campaign to renovate the zoo. They changed the strategy to include a magnificent habitat for the polar bear in their renovation plans.

In the meantime the bear was put in a small temporary cage. The space was so small that it could only take three steps, turnaround, and walk three steps back.

Because of unforeseen delays the construction took three years, but the bear’s new home was grand—waterfalls, caves, and lots of space. The bear entered its new home, looked around, took three steps, turned around, took three steps back, and turned around.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett