Cling To Me

During his courtship with a young woman named Julia Dent, Ulysses S. Grant once took her out for a buggy ride. Coming to a flooded creek spanned by a flimsy bridge, Grant assured Julia that it was safe to cross.

"Don't be frightened," he said. "I'll look after you."

"Well," replied Julia, "I shall cling to you whatever happens."

True to her word, she clung tightly to Grant's arm as they drove safely across. Grant drove on in thoughtful silence for a few minutes, then cleared his throat and said, "Julia, you said back there that you would cling to me whatever happened. Would you like to cling to me for the rest of our lives?" She would, and they were married in August 1848.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe