Church Unity
by John Green

The wrong way to achieve unity in the church is to try and appeal to everyone. With a bit of sarcasm here are the recent churches formed in our county:

  • Potluck Assembly
  • Little Bit O'Bible Church
  • Cellophane Wrapped Communion Wafer orthodox church
  • Church of the Big P.A.
  • The Short-Term Pastor Center
  • Theology-Free Church
  • The Inaccurate Heart of Mary Catholic Church
  • Seldom United Church
  • New Wife Fellowship
  • Church of the Perpetual Building Program
  • Comfortable Pew Family Center
  • Clean Bathroom Bible Temple
  • Better Than the Rest Believer's Fellowship
  • Legalist Bondage Assembly
  • The Church Where the Pastor's Family Runs Everything
  • The Two-Or-More-But-Sometimes-Less-Depending-On-Who-Shows-Up Bible Church
  • Feelgood Fellowship
  • Twist-and-Shout Revival Center
The Door, Newly Formed Churches, by John Green