Christmas Bells
by Editor James S. Hewett

There are sounds in the sky when the year grows old,
And the winds of the winter blow-
When night and the moon are clear and cold,
And the stars shine on the snow,

Or wild is the blast and the bitter sleet
That bleats on the window pane;
But blest on the frosty hills are the feet
Of the Christmas time again!

Chiming sweet when the night wind swells,
Blest is the sound of the Christmas bells!

Dear are the sounds of the Christmas chimes
In the land of the ivied towers,
And they welcome the dearest of festival times
In this Western world of ours!

Bright on the holly and mistletoe bough
The English firelight falls,
And bright are the wreathed evergreens now
That gladden our own home walls!

And hark! the first sweet note that tells,
The welcome of the Christmas bells.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett