Christians in the Midst of Affluence
Luke 12:13-21
by King Duncan

Bishop William Willimon was chaplain for many years at Duke University. He is a well-known writer and speaker. He says wise things in a witty way.

Once Willimon and his wife had a group of students over to their home after a chapel service. They had a picnic, then some of the students lingered to play basketball or to talk.  Willimon sat on the patio with one student who said, "Dr. Willimon, thanks for having us over to your home. This is the first time I've ever been in a faculty home."

"That's a disgrace," Willimon said. "I think that we faculty ought to have students in our homes as often as possible."

"Well, few faculty think that way," said the student. "And you have a beautiful home," he said. Then the student added these words: "Let me ask you, do you feel at all guilty being a Christian and living in such a nice house?"

Willimon responded, "Now I'm remembering why it was not such a great idea to invite you people over to my house."

"Such," says William Willimon, "are the challenges of attempting to be Christian in the midst of affluence."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan