Christian Tolerance
Mark 9:38-41
by Donald MacLeaod

"It's a fearful thing," writes Dr. Barclay, "for any man or any church to think that he or it has a monopoly on salvation." And G. Johnstone Jeffrey commented, "See that you do not deny the name of Christian to another because he or she is not wearing your label, denominational, ecclesiastical, or theological." Christian tolerance invites us to sit down together and assess our beliefs and doctrines by the kind of people they produce, by what these do for human need, and how limited really are our little ideas in the face of Christian truth. Bare intolerance has no place in Christian thinking for, as Dr. Barclay commented further, "Every man in need has a claim upon us because every man is dear to Christ."

CSS Publishing Company, Know the Way, Keep the Truth, Win the Life, by Donald MacLeaod