Church junkies know that on the ecclesiastical calendar, this marks the last Sunday of the liturgical year. The liturgical year is, of course, different from the calendar year. The liturgical year begins with Advent, the time we set aside for reflection about the coming of Christ. Advent is followed by Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. Some churches intersperse periodically what is designated as "Ordinary Time," those times we remember the work of God and the life and ministry of Jesus apart from special times of celebration. So we travel from the Lord's miraculous birth to his death and resurrection, with all the appropriate stops in between and even beyond, and culminate the journey with our most basic affirmation of faith: Jesus Christ is Lord!
Christ the King Sunday is also known in some churches as the Reign of Christ Sunday. Either way, something very powerful is being said. "King," "kingdom," "reign" — these are all highly charged political words. They say something about power: Who has it, and conversely, who does not.
Pilate understood that. He asked Jesus, "Are you the king of the Jews?" (v. 33). This is not a casual question, although Pilate seems to be asking it derisively. In fact, this word "king" is repeated nine times during this encounter between Pilate, Jesus, and the Jewish leaders.
Jesus' response is interesting. Instead of a direct answer, he comes back with another question: "Is that your own idea, or did others talk to you about me?" (v. 34). Sounds almost smart-alecky or at least bold considering his situation. The Jewish leaders had brought him to Pilate after their illegal midnight trial. They made it perfectly clear that the expectation was that Pilate would condemn him to death, so one would think that flippant replies might not be the best idea.
Pilate, of course, is equally flippant in response: "Am I a Jew?" (v. 35) — the implication being that even an idiot would never make that mistake. In fact, that attitude was characteristic of Pilate's administration in Judea. In his arrogance he never deigned to identify with the people in his charge and the result was an ill-tempered, mean-spirited regime that would have long ago been relegated to the dustbin of history. His name would quickly have been forgotten, except for one memorable, even earthshaking, incident.
"It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?" (v. 35).
Jesus responds, but not with anything that would answer Pilate's question: "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place" (v. 36).
Pilate is still confused: "You are a king, then!"
"You are right in saying that I am a king" (v. 37), says Jesus. But we would have to add, "But like no other king this world has ever known."
We are drawn back to the Christian year that culminates with a celebration of Christ as King. Christ is not Jesus' surname. It is a title. It indicates "the anointed one" — someone set apart for God's service. In the Old Testament the title was regularly applied to the king. By the time of Jesus, the Jewish people were looking for a Messiah, a Christ, to come who would lead them in victory against their oppressors, a conquering hero who would overthrow the hated Romans. It soon became evident, this was not God's intention in Jesus. For those who had their hopes pinned on a military Messiah, this was a devastating blow. Indeed, some have speculated that this was Judas' problem — once he found out that his dream of conquest was over, he bolted ranks. And the rest of the story we know too well.
But we know the story does not end sadly. That is why we culminate the Christian year with Christ the King Sunday. This is the day that we can rock the rafters of the universe with our declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Lord — to the ancients it meant master or owner and was always a title of consummate respect. In the modern world, to call Jesus "Lord" is to say he is the chief, the boss, the main man, the head honcho. The buck stops with him; his decisions are final.
Jesus Christ is Lord! These four words were the first creed that the Christian church ever had. To be a Christian then and to be a Christian now is to make that affirmation. If someone can say, "For me, Jesus Christ is Lord," that person is a Christian.
If we say that "Jesus Christ is Lord," it means that, for us, Jesus Christ is uniquely in charge — we are prepared to obediently follow in whatever direction the Lord chooses to lead, even if he goes where we might rather he did not.
If we say, "Jesus Christ is Lord," that means his priorities will become our priorities. We will be drawn to those on the margins, the outcasts, and even those society (and sometimes even the church) suggests we stay away from.
If we say, "Jesus Christ is Lord," we will take religion seriously — we will worship, we will fellowship, we will pray, we will even sacrifice, just as Jesus did, and we will never let religion become an end in itself; it must never get in the way of people.
If we say, "Jesus Christ is Lord," it means we are prepared to give to Jesus a love and a loyalty that will be given to no other person in all the universe.
An anonymous author made this striking comparison: "Socrates taught for forty years, Plato for fifty, Aristotle for forty, and Jesus for only three. Yet the influence of Christ's three-year ministry infinitely transcends the impact left by the combined 130 years of teaching from these men who were among the greatest philosophers of all antiquity."
* Jesus painted no pictures; yet some of the finest paintings of Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci received their inspiration from him.
* Jesus wrote no poetry; but Dante, Milton, and scores of the world's greatest poets were inspired by him.
* Jesus composed no music; still Haydn, Handel, Beethoven, Bach, and Mendelssohn reached their highest perfection of melody in the hymns, symphonies, and oratorios they composed in his praise.
Millions upon millions of words have been written and spoken about Jesus. As Emerson once noted, "The name of Jesus is not so much written as ploughed into the history of the world." But none of that history has ever been able to tell the whole story. As that great preacher of the nineteenth century, Horace Bushnell, once said, "Who can satisfy himself with anything he can say concerning Jesus Christ?"
Let us be content then with our most basic affirmation of faith: Jesus Christ is Lord!