Christ-like Servants
John 15:1-8 
by James W. Moore

Some years ago, I was walking up to the building where our Texas Annual Conference was being held. A young woman was just behind me. I held the door open for her. She was offended by that and she said: "You didn't have to hold the door open for me because I'm a woman." And I said: "I didn't hold the door open for you because you are a woman. I held the door open for you because you are a person. I learned in Sunday School long ago to be a courteous and polite servant to everybody. If you had been a man, I would have held the door open for you." And she said, "Cool!"

Well, it is "cool" when we stay connected to Christ's Servant Mentality when we get up in the morning and go through the day looking constantly (natural as breathing) for ways we can be Christ-like servants.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by James W. Moore