Christ Calls Us to Do Extraordinary Things
Mark 6:1-13
by Monte Paul Marshall

When the power of Christ combines with a belief unrestrained by our fear of rejection extraordinary things happen that astound the world. For example: On September 20, 1989, in Pretoria, South Africa, F. W. de Klerk was inaugurated as President of the country. Apartheid, the legal segregation of the races, was the law of the land. de Klerk was a Christian who attended church regularly, so he invited his favorite pastor, a white man named Peter Bingle, to lead a worship service as part of the inaugural events.

During the sermon, Pastor Bingle said this: Mr. de Klerk, as our new President, God is calling you to do his will. Today God calls you to serve as the President of South Africa. God's commission is not to serve as the President of some people, but as the President of all the people of South Africa.

By the benediction, de Klerk was weeping. He called his family and friends together and said, "Pray for me. God has told me what I must do. And if I do it, I will be rejected by my own people. Pray for me, that I might do the will of God."

Soon thereafter, de Klerk took steps to release Nelson Mandela from prison. Then he began to negotiate with the African National Congress. Then he worked to dismantle the system of apartheid. The rest, as they say, is history.

Dear brothers and sisters, the hometown folks are a tough crowd, but how long will we let our unbelief, our fear of rejection, keep us from the astounding deeds of power that Christ longs to accomplish in our lives?

A Tough Crowd, by Monte Paul Marshall