Christ's Life Changed Culture
Mark 1:21-28
by Brett Blair

Kenneth Woodward writing in Newsweek magazine gives us a glimpse of what Christ's coming meant to the world. He writes, "Whether we like it or not, Christ's life radically changed human culture throughout the world. Before Jesus came, the world was ruled by the ‘might makes right' theory. But Jesus' teaching about humility and turning the other cheek redefined our views of human character, of war, of masculinity. Jesus' commitment to the poor, to women and children opened the way for civil rights and equality for women. Marriages became more equitable. Also, it was a common practice in Roman families to kill female babies. Sociologist Rodney Stark notes that evidence exists that among at least 600 ancient Roman families, less than a dozen had more than one daughter. But Christians valued the life of all people, whether male or female, and prohibited the killing of any children."

In ways that our culture has no knowledge of, nor would it ever admit, Christianity radically changed social justice and the political philosophy of the world, for the good. This ancient congregation mentioned in Mark 1 was astonished at this "new teaching" coming from Jesus. And indeed it's still new. A growing secularism has been trying to denigrate our faith, but it has no clue how deeply their own right to freedom exists because of Jesus Christ.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair