Choose Wisely
by The Rev. Randolph T. Riggs

The speech had been very motivational, and the speaker had delivered it well.

However, it was the last challenge in the speech which stayed with those in attendance.

The speaker gave everyone a 3x5 index card and a pen, and she said, “This is the message I want you to take home with you. I want you to write it on your card and put your card in your wallet, or your money clip, or someplace it will be readily accessible to you. This week, when you come to one of those forks in the road where you have to make a difficult decision and you utter a prayer to God for wisdom, I want you to pull out this card and read it out loud to yourself. Now here’s the message I want you to write: THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS OURS. CHOOSE WISELY!!"

by The Rev. Randolph T. Riggs