Centuries of Christian Rebukes
Mark 10:2-16
by Donald B. Strobe

Through the centuries there have been far too many Christians who have felt that their primary calling in life was that of rebuking somebody. There have been too many who have felt that God wanted them to look around to see if anybody was having any fun, so they could put a stop to it. A priest once said to Groucho Marx: "Oh, Mr. Marx, I want to thank you for bringing so much joy into the world." To which Groucho, always quick on the uptake replied, rather ungraciously, I think, "I want to thank you for taking so much out." He was ungracious, but he had a point. A lot of religious folk seem bent on bringing their wet blankets to every party. Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936), the American humorist who wrote thick dialect humor under the pseudonym of "Mr. Dooley" once said of Thanksgiving: "'Twas founded by th' Puritans to give thanks f'r being presarved from th' Indyans, an'...we keep it to give thanks we are presarved fr'm th' Puritans." The disciples were always rebuking somebody.

ChristianGlobe Illustrations, Collected Works, by Donald B. Strobe