A poor old widow, living in the Scottish Highlands, was called upon one day by a gentleman who had heard that she was in need. The old lady complained of her condition, and remarked that her son was in Australia and doing well.
"But does he do nothing to help you?" inquired the visitor.
"No, nothing," was the reply. "He writes me regularly once a month, but only sends me a little picture with his letter."
The gentleman asked to see one of the pictures that she had received, and found each one of them to be a draft for ten pounds.
This is the condition of many of God's children. He has given us many "exceeding great and precious promises," which we either are ignorant of or fail to appropriate. Many of them seem to be pretty pictures of an ideal peace and rest, but are not appropriated as practical helps in daily life. And not one of these promises is more neglected that the assurance of salvation. An open Bible places them within reach of all, and we may appropriate the blessing which such a knowledge brings.