Carpe Diem
John 11:1-44
by J. Howard Olds

In the movie, Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams plays the role of John Keating, a transformational teacher in a rigid, regimented private school. On the first day of Literature class, Keating takes his students down to the school lobby where trophy cases display the photos of earlier graduating classes. "Look at these pictures, boys," says Keating. "The young men you behold had the same fire in their eyes that you do. They planned to take the world by storm and make something magnificent of their lives. That was over 70 years ago. Now they are all fertilizing daisies. If you will listen [at this moment he leans into the boys], they have a message for you." As the students gaze at the photographs, Keating begins whispering, "Carpe Diem, Carpe Diem, seize the day, seize the day." Life is a gift here and now. Enjoy.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., FaithBreaks, by J. Howard Olds