Can't vs. Can Do Attitudes
Philippians 4:10-20
by Unknown, Edited by Brett Blair

                CAN'T                                           CAN DO

We've never done it before...............We have the opportunity to be first 
It's too complicated...........................Let's look at it from a different angle 
We don't have the resources............Necessity is the mother of invention 
It will never work...............................We'll give it a try 
There's not enough time...................We'll reevaluate some priorities 
We already tried it.............................We learned from the experience 
There's no way it will work................We can make it work 
It's a waste of time............................Think of the possibilities 
It's a waste of money........................The investment will be worth it 
We'll cannibalize our own sales........We'll do it before they do 
We can't compete.............................We'll get a jump on the competition 
Our vendors won't go for it................Let's show them the opportunities 
It's good enough...............................There's always room for improvement
We don't have enough money..........Maybe there's something we can cut 
We're understaffed...........................We're a lean, mean machine 
We don't have enough room............Temporary space may be an option 
It will never fly...................................We'll never know until we try 
We don't have the equipment...........Maybe we can sub it out 
It's not going to be any better...........We'll try it one more time 
It can't be done.................................It'll be a challenge 
No one communicates.....................Let's open channels 
Isn't it time to go home?...................Day's go by so quickly around here 
I don't have any idea........................I'll come up with some alternatives 
Let somebody else deal with it.........I'm ready to learn something new 
We're always changing direction......We're in touch with our members 
It's too radical a change....................Let's take a chance 
It takes too long for approval............We'll walk it through the system 
Our members won't buy it................We'll do better at educating them 
Our company is the wrong size........We're perfect for this project 
It doesn't fit us..................................We should look at it 
It's contrary to policy.........................Anything's possible 
I can't................................................I can

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Unknown, Edited by Brett Blair