Can't Afford to Save
Luke 12:16-21
by Maxie Dunnam

A salesman was trying to sell a home freezer to a housewife.  "You can save enough on food bills to pay for it," he said. "Yes, I know," she agreed, "but you see we're already paying bills for a compact car on the gasoline we save, a washing machine on the laundry bills we save, and a house on the rent we save. To tell the truth we just can't afford to save anymore right now.”

That's a telling commentary on our age.  Our priorities can become so confused that we're not sure what is important and what is not.  So we waste a lot of time, hurrying big for little reasons.  Our consumer society seduces us into such hurrying in order to acquire the latest fashion or the most recent time saving device by telling us that we can’t do without it and further dupes us into believing that spending and possessing are the only ways to meet our deepest needs.  It isn't so.  Jesus called a man a fool who tore down his barns to build bigger barns.   

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam