Call Him Minister
by H.B. London, Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman

Pastor can experience soul-weariness and it's easy to get cynical. A pastor offered a few lines of sarcasm to express his own frustration: "If I wanted to drive a manager up the wall, I would make him responsible for the success of an organization and give him no authority. I would provide him with unclear goals, not commonly agreed upon by the organization. I would ask him to provide a service of an ill-defined nature, apply a body of knowledge having few absolutes, and staff his organization with only volunteers. I would expect him to work ten to twelve hours per day and have his work evaluated by a committee of 300 to 500 amateurs. I would call him a minister and make him accountable to God."

Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, Pastors at Risk, by H.B. London, Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman