Blessing or Curse?
Matthew 13:44-46
by John Marks Templeton

The story is told of old King Midas who loved the sight and sound and the feel of gold. The king was convinced that enough gold would bring meaning to his life and was delighted when he was granted his wish that everything he touched would be changed into gold. Yet his golden world came to have a hollow ring to it. He discovered he couldn't eat because his food would turn to gold as it touched his lips. He couldn't embrace his young daughter because that would turn her to gold. As long as he had the Midas touch, the king could not have life or love. He soon realized the boon of materiality was in fact a curse of death, and begged to have it removed so he could once again enjoy more genuine blessings.

The good you want will never come from a material thing. Material goods are nothing but physical expressions of ideas of good things. But the REAL good things never break or go out of style because they are invisible and eternal. Enjoy a good, loving or creative idea today it will last forever!

Discovering the Laws of Life, by John Marks Templeton