Birthday Surprice
Matthew 13:44-46
by Maxie Dunnam

A 100-year old man, celebrating his birthday, was asked by a reporter, "How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?"  He responded, "Surprised."

That's the way the New Testament sounds.  People on its pages are always being surprised by joy.  A man is plowing in his field, and suddenly it is everywhere, and then comes upon it and is willing to sell everything to possess it -- the pearl of great price.  A blind man receives his sight, and is not interested in debating how it came to be. It is grace -- surprise! "Once I was blind, but now is see."

In your memory, locate some of the greatest, most enjoyable experiences of your life.  Did you create them?  Did you earn or deserve them?

Such reflection, hopefully, will show us that all of life is grace, and that our response must be gratitude. 

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam