Between Belief and Disbelief
Luke 24:13-35
by Randolph T. Riggs

It should not come as a surprise to us that the disciples struggled to believe in the Resurrection. We understand them, don't we? We want to believe, but we live somewhere in between belief and non-belief. In fact, we may feel more like the family of actress Helen Hayes. Her husband and her son wanted to encourage her desire to try her hand at cooking her first Thanksgiving Dinner. So in the days leading up to Thanksgiving Day, they gave her words of encouragement telling her that they were looking forward to the big event.

She had never cooked a turkey before, and before serving it, she announced to her husband and her son that if the turkey wasn't any good she didn't want anyone to say a word. She said, "We will just get up from the table, without comment, and go to a restaurant to eat."

Mrs. Hayes returned to the kitchen, and when she entered the dining room bearing the turkey on a platter, she found her husband and her son seated at the table with their hats and coats already on.

When Faith Is Not Enough , by Randolph T. Riggs