Between a Rock and a Hard Place
by Maxie Dunnam

When I was growing up down in Mississippi, we had a saying that was very descriptive.  We talked about being between a rock and a hard place. 

That metaphor describes many of life’s dilemmas.  We make commitments on the basis of financial projections, but the investments do not pay off.  We miscalculate the economic trends or we lose our job.  You planned well for retirement but you never imagined inflation would be so pronounced.  You thought your marriage would last forever, but it didn’t.  The untimely death of a loved one has left you not only broken-hearted and grief-stricken, but anxiously  insecure.  You don’t know how you and the children are going to make it financially.  Some of your family or dear friends are estranged from each other, and you’re caught in the middle. 

The picture is a common one -- between a rock and a hard place.  Neither I nor the church has all the answers, but we have some.  And any church or clergy would like to help.  Why don’t you give them a call?

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam