Benjamin Franklin's Epitaph
John 20:1-18
by C. Eric Funston

In one of his lighter moments, Benjamin Franklin penned his own epitaph. Franklin didn't profess to be an orthodox Christian; he was more a deist, a believer in a clock-maker God, who made the universe and has left it alone. But it seems he must have been influenced by the Church's teaching of the resurrection. Here's the epitaph he wrote for himself:

"The body of B. Franklin, printer,
Like the cover of an old book
Its contents torn out,
And stripped of its lettering and gilding,
Lies here, food for worms,
But the work shall not be wholly lost:
For it will, as he believed,
Appear once more
In a new & more perfect edition,
Corrected and amended by the author."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Easter Is a Joke , by C. Eric Funston