Belief in Hell
Matthew 15:21-28
by King Duncan

While the majority of Americans believe in heaven and eventually expect to end up there, studies show most people today do not believe in hell.

It reminds me of a P. D. James' story. A young woman discovers that she was adopted. Almost immediately, she begins looking for her biological mother and father. She is stunned to discover that as a baby she had been taken from her parents when they were sent to prison for the murder of a ten-year-old girl. Although the father subsequently died in prison, the mother was soon to be released on parole. After getting acquainted with her mother, the young woman arranges for her mother to move into an apartment with her.

Interestingly enough, the mother wants to attend church services, something the daughter was not accustomed to doing. But out of friendship she accompanies her mother to services. One Sunday the minister says something in his message about Hell. Later, as the mother and daughter talk, the daughter says with exasperation, "But you can't believe in Hell."

The mother responds gravely, "You can once you've been in it."

She spoke from experience. There are people who know what it is to live in hell, for they have been there.

Christianglobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan