Being Present
Luke 10:38-42

How many of us have been to a party where our host or hosts are so busy with all of the little details that the guests leave the party thinking, "That was a lovely party, but I wish I had more time to speak with our host!"  I imagine this Martha from over 2,000 years ago to have something in common with a certain ‘Martha' from our present.  Fussing over the perfect table setting, the most delicious and perhaps elaborate meal, adjusting every little detail until it is just so…and only when everything is perfectly in place, turning to the guests to enjoy their company.  There is a lot of joy to be taken in being a host and doing something gracious your guests, but it should never compromise the time we have to really enjoy our contact with them, especially when it starts to feel like ‘work' as Martha clearly expresses.  

I think that one of the things Jesus is praising in Mary's behavior in this text is her careful listening and just being present with her guest and her God.  Jesus is telling us that there is great wisdom in letting the dishes soak in the sink so we can listen to and relax with others in fellowship.   

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations