Are you afraid of dying? Listen to the poet Elsie Robinson.
“Do not be afraid of dying -- rather be afraid of not living. Do not grieve for loss by death, grieve instead for lack of life. Do not worry about facing death. Worry rather about dodging life . . . death is not the hard thing; life is the hard thing ... death can only lay you low, but life can show you up!...It is not hard to die; any fool can; every fool must die someday. But it is extremely hard to live. It takes a strong and brave, understanding person to be willing to live each day and not merely exist. You shudder and say to yourself, ‘I will die someday.’ But you’re wrong. You die every day and every day you take your choice between living and dying; between getting on and going on.”
It takes no courage to die, but it takes enormous courage to say, “I choose to live -- regardless of the cost.”