At The Right Time
Mark 1:9-13
by Brett Blair

Most of us have heard the famous "Who's on First" routine by Abbott and Costello. The incredible sense of timing between the two actors and the material helps this to be one of the funniest routines in American entertainment. It is a brilliantly written peace of comedy but it is the timing that makes it funny.

Timing is also important in sports. Timing affects the outcome of an event in two major ways - it dictates the order out of the gate and it sets the pace for each of the competitors.

In order to be successful in humor, sports and relationships and yes even faith, one must be attentive to timing. There are two essential elements to timing - listening and responding.

In Mark, Jesus begins his ministry "At the right time." Jesus begins by listening to God. "At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth..." He didn't arbitrarily arrive at the Jordan river. He arrived at God's perfect time - it required he listen for God's leading.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair