Are You Plugged In?
Mark 1:29-39
by Billy D. Strayhorn

There was a news clip which appeared in the papers after a blackout in one city. I don't know if was a misprint, a mistake or if it was true. It said, "During the power failure many people complained of having gotten stuck for hours on escalators."

We can't go through our every day life with Jesus or God switched off. We won't make it. There won't be any power for living. We'll be stuck on the escalator of life, bewildered. We need to spend time in prayer. Prayer is our connection to the source of power in life, God.

Jesus knew that. And if Jesus, the Son of God, needed to refuel, to reconnect, to plug in and recharge, what makes us think that we can get along without it? You and I have a source of power and energy just waiting to be tapped. And all you have to do is plug in.

Are You Plugged In?, by Billy D. Strayhorn