Are You a Beaver or an Otter?
Eph 5:15-20
by King Duncan

Two similar looking animals that reside often side‑by‑side in the streams and ponds of North America. One animal, the beaver, works throughout the day toppling trees to create large river dams. The other animal, the river otter, delights in making a game of everything. Otters catch what they need to survive, but also make time to chase after pebbles, slide down slopes, and tweak the tails of their more industrious neighbors.

"Both animals live about the same length of time, but you have to believe that otters enjoy life just a bit more. Otters seem perfectly content if they have enough food and are happy to live in little mud holes along the river. Even in old age they never miss the opportunity to toss a stone in the water and catch it before it hits bottom."

Are you a beaver or an otter? Both animals have their place in creation, but I wonder how many people miss all kinds of opportunities in life because they are so narrowly focused on the serious business of making a living that they never get around to making a life.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan