Matthew 18:15-20
by King Duncan

In the comic strip, Andy Capp, the principal character is a chronically unemployed cockney ne'er-do-well who spends most of his days playing soccer and most of his nights at the corner pub, both of which drive his long-suffering wife, Flo, up the wall. In one episode, Andy is pacing the floor while Flo stands with her arms crossed.

Finally, she breaks the silence: "Three whole days without speaking. This is ridiculous." In the next frame she says to Andy, "I'm sorry I acted the way I did . . . you were right. Friends?"

A bit nonplussed, Andy says, "OK, friends."

Flo hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. As Andy leaves the house, he meets one of his soccer buddies, who says, "I'eard that, Andy. It takes a good woman to apologize when she is in the wrong."

As they walk down the street, Andy reflects on Chalkie's remark and replies, "It takes a better one to apologize when she's not."

Now I recognize the danger in using this example. Too many women through the years have allowed themselves to be walked on in order to maintain peace in the home. This is unhealthy for both partners and for the marriage. Still, there are times when who's right is not as important as maintaining communication.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan