Anger Is a Choice
Mt 18:15-35
by King Duncan

David Augsberger wrote abook a few years ago about anger. He noted that anger is a choice. He said the only thing we don't have a choice about is the adrenal in which is being pumped into our bodies. He told about a large rock in his front yard. One beautiful afternoon he decided to move it using a 2x4 for leverage. Somehow the 2x4 slipped and the rock rolled back, breaking his leg. David remembered that no one was home, and he wondered how he was going to get up the front steps and into the house to the phone. At that moment the paperboy came along and put the paper on the front steps. He saw David Augsberger stretched out on the ground and he called out, "Hello, professor! It's a great day to lie out on the lawn and get some sun." Realizing the boy didn't have a clue about what had happened, David laughed so hard that he forgot to ask the paperboy for help.

Could a broken leg prompt laughter? Well, it depends on the circumstances and the person. The important thing to remember is that we always have a choice. A person says, "I can't control my temper." That's not true. You control your temper every day or there would be bodies strewn all over the place.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan