Anchored in Authenticity
by Kenneth A. Brown

Nat Wyeth, who was an engineer and inventor, was the brother of the famous American artist Andrew Wyeth. He was watching his brother paint one day and told this remarkable story: Andy did a picture of Lafayette's quarters near Chadds Ford, Pa., with a sycamore tree behind the building. When I first saw the painting, he wasn't finished with it. He showed me a lot of drawings of the trunk and the sycamore's gnarled roots, and I said, "Where's all that in the picture?" "It's not in the picture, Nat," he said. "For me to get what I want in the part of the tree that's showing, I've got to know thoroughly how it is anchored in back of the house." I find that remarkable. He could draw the tree above the house with such authenticity because he knew exactly how the thing was in the ground.

I hope that when people encounter you and me, that there are enough unseen roots, which have so anchored our lives over the years, that the tree of Christ appears exactly as it should.

Inventors at Work, by Kenneth A. Brown