An Announcement in Song
Psalm 98:1-9
by King Duncan

In preparation for this message, I reflected on things I would miss as the Christmas season nears its close. One thing I will not miss, of course, is the crass materialism the desperate urge to buy just the right gift. It’s hard on both the soul and the wallet.

I heard about a man who received his Visa bill from last Christmas. There was a note attached: “This bill is now 1 year old!”

He sent it back with a note: “Happy Birthday, Bill!” Some families will spend the greater part of this year paying off last Christmas’ bills. I won’t miss that.

But there is much more about Christmas I will miss. I don’t know what part of the Christmas season is your favorite. For some, it is the gathering of family around the table. For others, it is the colorful displays of lights. For still others, part…

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Dynamic Preaching Sermons Fourth Quarter 2014, by King Duncan