An 800 Year Grudge
Matthew 18:21-35
by King Duncan

Many years ago, Colonel Jeff O'Leary served as part of the UN peacekeeping forces in the Sinai Peninsula region. While there, he encountered a number of Bedouin people, a nomadic people who travel this desert region. One afternoon, Colonel O'Leary had tea with a group of Bedouin men. Colonel O'Leary couldn't help but notice that his host kept staring at a man who was tending his camels. The host pointed out the man and hissed at Colonel O'Leary, "Do you see that man? He is a camel thief." Colonel O'Leary wanted to know why his host would hire a camel thief to tend his camels, so he began asking questions. Turns out that in his host's eyes this man was a camel thief because he came from a family of camel thieves. Why were they a family of camel thieves?

Because one of their ancestors had once stolen some camels from this man's family. How long ago, O'Leary asked. Eight hundred years ago, the Bedouin host replied. For eight hundred years, the hosts' family and this man's family had hated each other, because one man had stolen the other man's camels. For eight hundred years, the host's family had passed down the story of the camel thief. Forgiveness was not an option for them. In the Bedouin host's mind, the crime was just as horrible as if it had occurred yesterday, and this man was just as much a thief as his ancestor who had actually stolen the camel.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan